Contact & Booking

If you want more information about your stay, activities to do in Ketambe, transportation to Ketambe or something else, don't hesitate to contact us. A reservation for accommodation and/or jungle trekking tours can be made by email, by phone (WA or call) or the contact form below. We are looking forward to meeting you in Ketambe, Sumatra.
If you already booked a jungle trekking with a trekking company, please let us know in your message with whom you book the trek.
Pondok Wisata Guesthouse, Ketambe
Name: Irwan and Dieuwertje
Phone numbers:
- Irwan: +62 822 6036 6163 (Indonesian & English)
- Dieuwertje: +31 6 5701 3043 (Dutch & English)
Website: &